Spencers Wood Local History Group

is a study and research group rather than a society.  Established in 1995 in response to all the change and development that has continued to take place in our community, our aim is to record and retain as much of the history of our part of Shinfield Parish as we can and to collect and share memories, photographs and other documents and records before they are lost.

We meet once a month at Spencers Wood Pavillion.  Dates and other details can be found on the website’s front page.  At our meetings we share progress with our current research projects and other requests for information as well as discussing current historical matters and  interesting changes in our community.  We also take part in local events such as fetes and the Carnival to promote and share our work with the local community.


In addition to publishing information on our website the Group has so far published five books, most recently More from Our Village of Spencers Wood – all but one still available.  Full details about all of them can be found on our publications pages.

Please email us if you would like to order a copy! Or if you’re local, you can purchase copies of More from our Village of Spencers Wood  from Spencers Wood Post Office or Budgens at Three Mile Cross.

Current reseach interests include:

  • Pubs in Shinfield Parish
  • The history behind local street names
  • Brickmaking
  • Historical trails around Shinfield


As well as collecting and publishing information about the history of Spencers Wood, Three Mile Cross and Ryeish Green, the Group has decided to begin making some of our resources available not only for our own members but for others interested in Family and Local History. This will be an on-going project and what is available will grow as more information is made available.


We’d very much welcome hearing from you if you would like to join the Group or if you can help us with our ongoing research!  We are always gathering more information about our local villages and their history and we are always very happy to receive photographs of the area to show the differences over the years.

Just come along to one of our meetings or email us with any memories, photographs… in fact anything at all!